3 ways location data aids optimization

3 ways location data aids optimization


Real-time visibility

Reduce costly delays when managing the supply of manufactured goods from the factory and warehouse. Ensure greater transparency, security and efficiency as HERE seamlessly charts transitions between outdoor to indoor locations. Make use of HERE Network Positioning for accurate offline positioning to quickly locate parts and products.
Adrian Gonzalez, President. Adelante SCM

Real-time ETAs

Waiting at loading docks costs truckers up to $1.3 billion each year.
Restrict bottlenecks and large delivery buffers with real-time updates. Alerts on delayed asset delivery allow for proactive re-planning. Developers can make use of HERE TrackingHERE Venues and HERE Indoor Positioning to enable seamless organization of trucks, goods and docks to enhance the flow of assets from the factory, to the warehouse and on to the customer.
cargo truck on bridge from above

Asset utilization

Supply chain inefficiencies cost UK businesses more than £1.5bn
Ensure vehicles don’t leave half empty and that warehouses usage is maximized with accurate, real-time asset tracking and by adding customized locations to maps. Define geofenced areas and track assets as they move.
Contact James Vogler

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